It is more important now than ever to find a place in your home where you can focus for a day of work or study. Adults and teens need a space where they can stay motivated with little interruptions. Carving out an area to make all yours can be a challenge. Here are some helpful tips for creating an office or homework area in your home.
Pick a room that allows you some private time. For example, having a door to close, can sometimes be necessary when you are on a call or studying for an exam. It is also nice for blocking out other distractions that are happening around the home. If you don’t have an extra room to turn into an office, a section of the room will do the trick. Add a small desk or work area. Use a bookcase or partition to define your study area from the rest of the room.

If you don’t have an extra room to set up shop, find an abandoned wall, unused alcove, or closet. Freshen up the area with soft hues for a tranquil and calming effect or, try brighter colors to help you stay energized. Painting a backdrop behind the desk helps to designate the area and will also add some interest.

Lastly, who says you have to work inside? If you are an outdoors person, take your work or studies outside to a place you love.

Colorfully yours,