Trend Color Spotlight: Unplugged

A corner of a room showing a side table against the wall. The area is decorated in a travel theme. The walls of the area are painted in Unplugged.
The year is coming to a close and so is our month of dark and decadent winter colors.  But, before our time is up, let us regale you with one more deep color sure to turn heads. This week we bring you Unplugged T18-11 a saturated olive, straight from the heart of the deep, dark wood.
Earthy and solemn this hue is the color of stoic resolve and thoughtful contemplation. The dark green undertone of Unplugged is sure to leave you feeling one with nature by bringing the outdoors in.
Paint Swatch - Open paint can with paint brush that was dipped showing paint color for Unplugged (dark brownish-green color).
To celebrate both urban living and the complexities of the outdoors, we’ve paired two organically complementing green tones in Nurturing T18-16 and Unplugged T18-11 to impart a refined, yet fresh look for this room. Paint your wall with Unplugged to enhance all of the other accent colors within the space. Brighten and liven the space with accents of Nurturing on furniture pieces and in decor. Keep the space from feeling too dark by painting the window and baseboard trim in a bright white such as Polar Bear 75.  Light colored curtains and ample amounts of natural and artificial light, can also help to balance this dark color and keep it from feeling overpowering and heavy.
For more trend color inspiration check out our article on
Colorfully yours,
Brianna Wilburn

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