National Color Day

A variety of different color paint swatches fanned out. On top of them is a chip shape block with the title written on it, ”Happy National Color Day”.

Today, National Color Day, we celebrate color. Color is everywhere. Think about your mood and how color makes you feel. It is amazing how color can affect everything about our day. And for each person, the same color can affect us differently as we often associate a color with a distant memory. Our mood can be calming or invigorated depending on how a particular color speaks to you. And most of the time, we don’t even realize, it is the color we see, not what is going on, that is changing our mood. As I went about my day, I associated the colors I saw with my mood. Try doing this today in celebration of National Color Day.


Paint colors drops shown: Cheerful Tangerine (orange), Svelte (purple), I Pink I Can (pink). Three paint drops placed on top of a picture of a girl in bed with covers up to her face. Bedding is orange, purple and pink stripes. To the right of this image is a bedroom painted in I Pink I Can. Bedding is light pink and white gingham pattern.

As the morning light flooded into my room, I awoke under a blanket of CHEERFUL TANGERINE, SVELTE, and I PINK I CAN, feeling refreshed yet excited for my day to begin.

Paint colors drops shown: Blazing Autumn (orange), Solar Energy (yellow), Windswept Leaves (brown). Three paint drops placed on top of a picture of a girl stretching her legs along a path in the woods on an autumn day. To the right of this image is an exterior home painted in Windswept.

I went for my morning run and felt the fall foliage of BLAZING AUTUMN, SOLAR ENERGY, and WINDSWEPT LEAVES providing me with the energy I needed to get me through my run.

Paint colors drops shown: At Ease (mint-green), Positive Energy (yellow-green). Two paint drops placed on top of a picture of tight crop of a girls wrapped in a mint green towel. To the right of this image is bathroom with the walls painted in Positive Energy.

When I got home, I showered and wrapped myself in a towel of POSITIVE ENERGY. In my mind, I felt AT EASE as I planned for my day feeling motivated and optimistic.

Paint colors drops shown: Perfect Landing (light blue), Optimum Blue (navy blue). Two paint drops placed on top of a picture of a closet with the wall painted in Perfect Landing. Clothing in the closet are colored in blues and oranges. To the right of this image is a tight crop showing a dresser against a wall painted in Optimum Blue.

I searched my closet and grabbed my OPTIMUM BLUE dress that I knew would make me feel productive and successful for me to make the PERFECT LANDING.

Paint colors drops shown: Joyful Orange (orange), Silence (white), Roasted Corn (yellow). Three paint drops placed on top of a picture of table painted in Silence. On the table is an autumn salad with squash, cranberries and lettuce. To the right of this image is a kitchen with the upper cabinets painted in Roasted Corn. The lower cabinets are painted in Silence.

By afternoon I was ready for a few minutes of SILENCE. I grabbed a colorful lunch that resembled the colors of ROASTED CORN and JOYFUL ORANGE.  I was happy to have a relaxing moment to enjoy a meal that would provide me with energy for the rest of the day.

Paint colors drops shown: Effervescent (soft yellow), Fine Wine (plum), Mysterious Night (purple). Three paint drops placed on top of a picture of people holding wine glasses up to cheer. In the background you can see part of an exterior home that is painted in Mysterious Night. To the right of this image is an exterior home and outdoor dinner setting. Home is painted in Mysterious Night. The trim of the home is Effervescent. The chairs placed at the table is the color Fine Wine.

After work, I gather with some friends. Feeling EFFERVESCENT from the FINE WINE, we laughed and talked as we sat outside in the MYSTERIOUS NIGHT.

Paint colors drops shown: Charcoal Blue (grayed-blue), Chocolate Swirl (brown). Two paint drops placed on top of a picture of a girl sitting on a blanket with warm gray socks on her feet. She has an open book and holding a cup of hot chocolate. To the right of this image is a tight crop of a lit fireplace with candles lit on the mantel. The wall is painted in Chocolate Swirl.

At the end of the day, I put on my cozy CHARCOAL BLUE socks and settled down with a soothing cup of CHOCOLATE SWIRL giving me a feeling of peace and harmony. A perfect ending to my colorful day.

I hope your day is filled with a colorful mood!

Colorfully yours,


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Comments (1)

  • Katrina Aure says...

    This was such a fun read! It really captured the spirit of National Color Day and put a smile on my face. Thanks for this!

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