How To Spray Paint a Nightstand




A bedroom with walls painted in a light blue color. Next to the bed is a white painted nightstand with gold accent legs and a gold lamp place on top.

An old piece of furniture can be transformed to something new and fresh with BEHR PREMIUM™ Spray Paints. Follow the steps by steps below or if you are more visual, jump down to the end of the article for the video!

Behr’s Featured Colors & Products:

Linen White SP-508, Matte Finish 

Antique Copper SP-206, Gloss Sheen

Clear, Satin Finish

Image showing paint blogs in linen and antique gold with product sitting beside it.


A drop cloth with a spinge, painters tape, protective glass, rags, and a sand block sitting on it.

• Spray Paint:

Nightstand: BEHR PREMIUM™ Chalk Decorative Spray Paint, Linen SP-508, Matte Finish

Bottom of Legs: BEHR PREMIUM™ Spray Paint, Antique Copper SP-206 Gloss Sheen

BEHR PREMIUM™ Decorative Wax, Clear: Satin Finish

• Painter’s Tape

• Medium Grit Sandpaper or Sanding Block

• Large Sponge

• Protective Glasses

• Gloves

• Drop Cloth

Tip: Always wear appropriate protective gear.

Step 1


A person taking off the knobs of a drawer from the nightstand.
A person using a sponge to clean the top of a nightstand.

Remove hardware and store in a safe place. Scuff-sand to remove any loose paint and debris then thoroughly clean and allow to dry.

Step 2

Apply Paint

A person spraying the top of a nightstand with a white spray paint.
A person spray painting a nightstand with a white paint color.

Set up outside or in a well-ventilated area. Cover the floor and any areas around you that you do not want spray paint on.

Shake can vigorously for 1 minute. Hold can about 12” from area being painted. While spraying move can from side to side across the area. Let dry at least 1 hour before applying a second coat. Two to three thin coats produce the best results.

Apply Accent Color

a person adding blue painters tape to the legs of a white night stand.
A person spraypainting the bottoms of a white nightstand with a gold color spray paint.

For the metallic accent, apply tape 5” from the bottom of each leg. Apply spray paint using the same method.

Tip: Shake often during use.

Step 3

Apply Wax and Finishes

A person adding clear wax to a nightstand.
a person placing gold knobs onto a white nightstand.

Apply BEHR PREMIUM™ Decorative Wax over the chalk spray paint only using a clean rag to seal and protect your surface.

For the knobs, we sprayed with Antique Copper. Let dry before you re-attach.

Tip: A little wax goes a long way.

AAfter and Before image sitting side by side. After is the white nightstand. Before is a blue nightstand.

Click on the video below to see a step by step of this project.

BEHR PREMIUM™ Spray Paints can be used to create unique and trendy looks in your home. Visit  for more inspiration.

Colorfully yours,


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