FAQ: Teal Accent

Inspiration mood board featuring four paint squares: Aqua Rapids, Thai Teal, Paradise Landscape, and Pure Turquoise. 
Images shown are the following:
- Seating area with an accent wall painted in Aqua Rapids. There is a small single person sofa with pillow, a small side table, a tall lamp and a window to the right of the chair. 
- Next is a detail image of white flowers against a wall painted in Paradise Landscape. 
- Following image is a dining room with an accent wall in Paradise Landscape. There is a wooden table and chairs. Hanging from the ceiling is a chandelier. 
- Final image is an exterior door painted in Thai Teal. There are planters on both sides of the door, a mailbox on the house siding, and outdoor lights on the siding as well.

Teal is a harmonized balance between blue and green similar to the infinite oceans.

This tone is very versatile in ways that it can be cool and tranquil or striking and bold. A vivid bold teal makes the ideal accent wall, or door by adding timelessness and elegance. Using teal with furnishings will accentuate any living space by adding a splash of color.
Aqua Rapids M450-5, Thai Teal M460-6 , Paradise Landscape P460-6, Pure Turquoise M460-4
Colorfully Yours,


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Comments (17)

  • Kimberly says...

    I would like to use Paradise Landscape as my bedroom ascent wall, what white color goes well with this? Also, is it a sin if I want to use Pure Turquoise as a ceiling accent color for my bathroom? Thanking you in advance.

    • Deanna Torrez says...

      Hello Kimberly, thank you for visiting our blog!
      You can use Paradise Landscape as an accent wall and paint the remaining in a white. A couple whites that I will recommend are Silky White PPU7-12 or Swiss Coffee 12. You can use Pure Turquoise on the ceiling to accent it in your bathroom.
      Hope this helps!

      Colorfully Yours,

  • Michelle Manella says...

    Hi There!
    My daughter is looking at Rainwater, Hidden Sea glass and Pure Turquoise for her room as an accent wall color. Wondering what color would go with it for the other 3 walls. She is ok with a lighter 2nd color but not super into a white. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    • Deanna Torrez says...

      Hello Michelle, thank you for visiting our blog!

      For the remaining walls you can do Cotton Knit PPU7-11 which is a soft sand tone.

      Let me know what she thinks!

      Colorfully yours,


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