Suddenly it was December, arriving almost out of nowhere on fiery reindeer hooves. Signaling that, once again, it was time for our family’s annual, holiday, color selection. My daughter Frankie, who is now five, stepped right up as our official, “selector of color.” The apple didn’t fall far from the tree there; she’s already a big fan of color and holiday decorating. The holiday lighting manufacturers have definitely stepped up their game in recent years, offering a true variety of colors to choose from. For a five year old, memorized by all that glitters and brilliantly lit, making a color decision, amongst this, is a difficult feat. However, after much consideration, multiple laps of the holiday decor section, and several changes of heart she finally settled on a color…purple.
Sultana P100-7 and White 52
We added the white to add some lightness and tie in some decorations items we already had. Somewhat unorthodox for a Christmas color scheme, but it turned out rather nice.
Have a very happy holiday season!
Colorfully yours,